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Monday, May 2, 2011

Military Blogging = Reminder

By no means do I mean to lessen the enormous impact the recently announced death of Osama Bin Laden has on the world, however I believe many people are viewing this as the end of an era. Some may view the terrorist leader's death as closure on a horrific time in the world's history that we are all too eager to put behind us. Yet, terrorist acts and suppression of human rights are still underway across the globe.

The idea of closure is most apparent in mainstream media news coverage where large stories fade too quickly - sometimes only receiving one day of reporting. However, when we follow military blogs we are reminded of the true length of stories - that the War on Terror continues strong. James Dao's New York Times article highlights this point, stating that soldiers are still reporting about the "tribulations" of fighting occurring in a town that has long since been covered by the media.

One must remember in this ever changing and vast world that very few things actually come to an absolute end, and the main stream media should not be looked to for a chronicle of which things have ended.   

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