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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Changing Eating Habits

A Fast Company online article highlights the recent technological advancements that have altered the way we are dinning. Except for the robot waiter in China's Dalu Robot Restaurant, which delivers food to tables on pre-programed paths and avoids crashes using built-in motion sensor technology, the article does not contain relatively new technologies but new applications of current ones.

While diners once had to stay close to the restaurant, carrying large pagers around, waiting for their table, they are now free to roam as far as they like thanks to new software that lets restaurant computers send text messages to diners.

In another example, certain Delta Airline lounges now feature iPad devices with apps that let waiting passengers order food from near by venues that will be delivered directly to the gate. When fully integrated into airports, passengers will never have to lug their bags around to crowded airport eateries all while trying to order, pay, eat and return to their gate before missing their flights.

Not only does this article showcase a change in the way people are dinning but it also hints at how technology may be taking away jobs being that waiters are being replaced by robots and mobile ordering systems. See my previous post for more on this.

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