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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

1st Post

Hello Internet! This is the first post of my first blog. I know what you are thinking, "This guy can't be qualified to start a serious tech blog?" Well, aside from viewing this blogging journey as a learning and growth experience, I believe I am a qualified blogger. Being that I'm finishing up my final semester in college, I have a strong educational foundation (as a business administration major concentrating on marketing) and am a member of a generation that grew up with technology. Anything "tech" related has always come easily, resulting in my family's perception of me as the free personal technician. This subject has continually peeked my interest, which I continually develop by following other tech blogs as listed on the right hand side of this page under "Blogs I Watch."

As the description above states this blog will contain my thoughts and analysis regarding new and existing technologies as well as technological products in addition to their impact on the corporate world and society as a whole.

Please feel free to follow my blog, comment on my posts, or send me messages and blogging tips at